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12 healthy habits - 12 полезных привычек

November - Ноябрь


Ноябрь Ягоды облепихиNew habit: Resist the breadbasket.

The skinny: When you are home eating dinner, do you serve the bread first and everything else after that? Probably not. But it is a common restaurant practice because it gets some sort of food on the table quickly. Problem is, we often fill up on the bread and miss out on the featured foods along with the right balance of proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats.

Action steps: Don't automatically reach for the bread while dining out. Wait for the proteins and complex carbohydrates to appear, and make it habit to dip your bread in olive oil for the healthy fats boost.

You might also be more discerning about the bread offered: Eat the great ones but pass on mediocre loaves. Consider bread interchangeable with a serving of pasta or mashed potatoes and choose accordingly.

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