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12 healthy habits - 12 полезных привычек

April - Апрель


Апрель Шмель на цветкеNew habit: Step 1--eat breakfast. Step 2--make sure the breakfast includes a good protein source and some healthy fats.

The skinny: Research is clear that eating breakfast improves morning cognitive skills. That should be reason enough to make sure you get a breakfast for the next 21 days this month to make this morning meal a habit.

But perhaps even better that the right sort of breakfast can also help the body burn fat more consistently and keep the weight off. One study shows non-breakfast eaters are more than four times likely to be obese than breakfast eaters.

Action steps: Shoot for at least 300 to 400 calories if you tend to not be a breakfast eater. Add proteins, such as eggs, organic breakfast meats and turkey bacon. One idea is a smoothie made from milk, whey protein, fruit and a couple of ice cubes. Adding a handful of walnuts or almonds to your oatmeal will control appetite and keep your blood sugar on an even keel.

Develop some standbys for your more challenging morning situations, such as what you can make at home for a fast meal before rushing out the door. Hard-boiled eggs are good items to prepare the night before and pair nicely with a piece of fruit. Smoothies can become your car drink, with or without the espresso shot added. Also, pick a route to work where you can grab a healthy breakfast to-go, if that fits with your morning.

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