Цвета на английском языке с переводом)-список на www.english-2days.narod.ru

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15 цветов и оттенков

на английском языке с переводом


1000 слов, 100 глаголов, 100 прилагательных, 100 наречий, 100 обязательных слов для авторов, 100 профессий,

122 прилагательных о характере, 160 английских глаголов о работе, 15 цветов и оттенков


На этой странице вы найдёте перечень цветов на английском языке с описанием их воздействия на эмоциональное и физическое состояние человека.

В видеоклипе ниже приведена общая характеристика цветовых центров тела, даны несколько тестов для проверки.

Характеристика цветов на английском языке

White - Белый

  • The colour of innocence, perfection, honesty, cleanliness, the new,

    lightness, exactitude, purity, peace, comfort

  • It alleviates despair and emotional shock     

  • But it can also be cold, isolating, unforgiving and uncompromising

  • Cures  sleep problems and headaches

Black - Чёрный

  • The colour of mourning, secrets, magic, power, violence, evil, elegance, silence, the infinite

  • Good for self-discipline, strength, liberation

  • It reveals hidden potential, gives energy

Grey - Серый

  • The colour of independence, self-reliance, self-control, self-criticism, evasion, isolation  

  • It protects from outside influence  

  • It has no vivid emotional qualities, but it can suppress

Red - Красный

  • The colour of danger, anger, sacrifice, passion, fire, stimulation, energy, initiative, motivation, beauty, happiness

  • It stimulates the body, blood circulation, intestine and appetite  

  • It cures depression and negativity initiative and motivation

  • Not so good when high blood pressure, heart and sleep problems



Orange - Оранжевый

  • The colour of amusement, fire, activity, excitement, enthusiasm, warmth, vitality, stimulation, self-esteem, independence, inner strength, optimism, creativity, self-expression, happiness
  • It opens to new ideas, perspectives, understanding
  • It cures the lungs and sexual problems, depression, low self-esteem and increases energy
  • Not good for high blood pressure and nausea

Yellow - Жёлтый

  • The colour of gold, wealth, sunshine, reason, optimism, pleasure, self-confidence, respect, will-power, self-control, envy, jealousy,
  • It stimulates the intellectual and mental abilities, flexible thinking, contentment
  • It cures depression, sensitivity to criticism, stress, negativity
  • Not good for insomnia, hyperactivity

Green - Зелёный

  • The colour of  tranquility, balance, comfort, relaxation, calmness, good luck, health, hope, jealousy, envy
  • It reduces stress, soothing and steadying our emotions 
  • It promotes personal development, self-acceptance, compassion for self and others.
  • It cures stress, fear, nausea, heart, blood pressure and immune system problems, fatigue, headaches, flu symptoms

Blue - Голубой

  • The colour of harmony, calmness, faithfulness, confidence, creativity, relaxation, peace, self-expression, intuition, truth
  • It helps fight stress, obsessions, learning difficulties
  • It cures inflammation, headaches, pains, insomnia, skin problems
  • Not good for depression and loneliness

Indigo - Индиго

  • The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind 
  • It stimulates intuition and imagination
  • It cures as a powerful anaesthetic and sedative, can reduce pain

Purple - Фиолетовый

  • The colour of royalty, dignity, piety, wisdom, spirituality, peace, contemplation, meditation, introspection
  • It balances the mind, helps transform obsessions, fears, promotes inspiration, imagination, empathy, self-respect, intuition, clarity, confidence
  • Good for headaches, stress, anxiety, obsessions
  • Not good when nightmares, addictions

Violet - Фиалковый

  • The colour of extravagance, ambiguity, the artificial, artistic and musical ability, creativity, inspiration, sensitivity, spirituality and compassion 
  • It is good for psychological and nervous system disorders
  • It cures exhaustion, headaches, stress, anxiety, obsessions, low self-esteem
  • Not good when nightmares, addictions

Turquoise - Бирюзовый

  • The colour of cooling and calming, cleanliness, personal relationships, sharing
  • It is good for nervous and immune systems and tiredness  
  • It reduces the feeling of loneliness,  heightens communication, sensitivity and creativity  
  • It cures inflammatory conditions and immune problems

Pink - Розовый

  • The colour of warm, calmness, femininity, sensitivity, love, tenderness, childhood
  • It reduces irritation, anger and aggression, alleviates loneliness, oversensitivity and vulnerability  
  • It promotes calming spirit, clear thinking, sensitivity, compassion, kindness, forgiveness
  • It cures immune system, heart problems, insomnia, stress, trauma

Magenta- Фуксия

  • The colour of compassion, support and kindness, body-spirit balance, flow of life
  • It promotes to go of routine, it refreshes feelings, ideas and emotions  
  • It treats for headaches, nervous system problems, tinnitus, aggression, benign cysts, detached retinas
  • Not good for depression

Brown - Коричневый

  • The colour of strength, reliability, warmth, comfort, security, plainness, humility, the rustic, poverty, sadness, isolation
  • It can also relate to repressed emotions, and narrow-mindedness, resulting from lack of self-worth


Цветовые центры тела по аювердическому учению

7-цветов-чакр-тела 7-tsvetov-glagolov

Видео "Colours for Emotions & Health"




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