Выпуск 22 - Устная часть в ЕГЭ по английскому языкуНачиная с 2015 г., аналогично международным тестам по английскому языку (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, SAT) Единый государственный экзамен по иностранным языкам, в т.ч. по английскому языку, будет включать устную часть "Speaking" длительностью 15 минут. Экзамен рассчитан на два дня: сначала выполняется письменная работа, а во второй день - устная работа на компьютере. На экзамене ведётся аудио- и видеозапись ответов. Максимальный балл за устную часть - 20, что в сумме с письменной составит 100 баллов.Задания устной части ЕГЭ по английскомуУстная часть состоит из четырёх заданий на проверку разговорной речи, при этом на подготовку к каждому из заданий даётся по 1.5 мин., на ответ - такое же время. В секции 'Speaking' нужно сделать следующее:
Примеры Задание 1Read the text silently, in 1.5 min. be ready to read it aloud.Food is a subject that interests me. I like food that is good and well-cooked. I dislike as much as Pedro does watery cabbage, soup that looks - and tastes - like rain, and beef or mutton that is burned or not cooked enough. But when you get real English beef an mutton, bread and cheese, eggs and bacon, there is no food so good anywhere. I don't know any apple that has a better taste than a good English one, and no other cup of tea ever tastes as good to me as tea that is made in England. I can quite believe that the soup that Pedro had at the hotel hadn't much taste; but I am sure that if Jan and Olaf had dinner in the home of any ordinary Scottish family when they were walking in Scotland, they had good soup. They will never taste better vegetable soup than they had then. Задание 2Study the advertisement. Ask five direct questions to get information about: 1. departure dates 2. hotel facilities 3. if meals are included 4. number of city tours 5. any other discounts Задание 3While travelling you took some photos and now you are going to present one of them to your friend.
Speak about the following: - when you took the picture - what or who is in the picture - what is taking place in the picture - why you took the picture - why you want to share impressions Задание 4Compare the pictures and speak about their similar and different features.
- describe the pictures - how common they are - how different they are - where you'd prefer to be - why so
Смежные статьи: Полезные интернет ресурсы для изучающих английский языкУчебные пособия по английскому языку:YouTube:канал english2days (учебные видеоклипы по грамматике и лексике) - http://www.youtube.com/english2days Бесплатные почтовые рассылки:
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