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Выпуск 5
Вставьте нужный предлог
1. Now he's a chief and puts ___ airs.
----- on
2. It'll take me ___ five months to finish the project.
----- about
3. Where's he living now? - Somewhere ___ London.
4. How often d'you go ___ business trips?
5. I arrived at the station and heard the shout "All ___!"
----- aboard
6. Could you help me hang the picture ___ the wall?
7. It's better not to call him now when he's ___ the classes.
8. The Games launched ___ Sunday ___ the 23rd of July.
----- on/on
Источник - 120 английских предлогов
Блог - http://120prepositions.blogspot.com
Copyright.Nina Dobrynina.2009.All rights reserved.