День Святого Валентина в США и Англии - St.Valentine's Day

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День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine' Day

День Св.Валентина - День Сурка - Троица - День Колумба - День Благодарения - День Ветеранов - День Гая Фокса - Хеллоуин

Valentine's Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional day on which lovers in certain cultures let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine's cards, which are often anonymous. The history of Valentine's day can be traced back to an obscure Catholic Church feast day, said to be in honor of Saint Valentine. The day's associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated. The day is now most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Starting in the 19th century, the practice of hand writing notes has largely given way to the exchange of mass-produced greeting cards. It is estimated that, world-wide, approximately one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. It is noted that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

anonymous - анонимный

trace back - проследить, восходить к

obscure - неизвестный, малоизвестный

feast day - церковный праздник

in honor of - в честь

heart-shaped - в форме сердца

winged Cupid - крылатый Купидон

purchase - покупать

approximately - приблизительно


February fertility festivals

The association of the middle of February with love and fertility dates to ancient times. In the calendar of Ancient Athens, the period between mid January and mid February was the month of Gamelion, which was dedicated to thesacred marriage of Zeus and Hera. 
In Ancient Rome, the day of February 15 was Lupercalia, the festival of Lupercus, the god of fertility, who was represented as half-naked and dressed in goat skins. As part of the purification ritual, the priests of Lupercus would sacrifice goats to the god, and after drinking wine, they would run through the streets of Rome holding pieces of the goat skin above their heads, touching anyone they met. Young women especially would come forth voluntarily for the occasion, in the belief that being so touched would render them fruitful and bring easy childbirth. 
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia (1908), at least three different Saints Valentine, all of them martyrs and all quite obscure, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under the date of February 14:

  • a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom in the second half of the 3rd century and was buried on the ViaFlaminia.

  • a bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) also suffered martyrdom in the second half of the 3rd century and was also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than the priest.

  • a martyr in North Africa, about whom little else is known.


The feast of St. Valentine was first declared to be on February 14 by Pope Gelasius I in 496. There is a widespread legend that he created the day to counter the practice held on Lupercalia of young men and women pairing off as lovers by drawing their names out of an urn, but this practice is not attested in any sources from that era. 
In the 19th century, relics of St. Valentine were donated by Pope Gregory XVI to the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Churchin Dublin, Ireland, which has become a popular place of pilgrimage. 
In 1969, as part of a larger effort to pare down the number of saint days of purely legendary origin, the Church removed St. Valentine's Day as an official holiday from its calendar. /wikipedia.org/


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fertility - плодородие, изобилие

ancient - древний

dedicate - посвящать, предназначать

sacred - святой, священный

god - бог

half-naked - полураздетый

goat skins - козлиная шкура

purification - очищение

priest - священник

to sacrifice - жертвовать

touch - трогать, дотрагиваться

voluntarily - добровольно

in the belief - с верой

render - оказывать, приносить, делать

childbirth - роды

martyr - мученик

suffer - страдать

bishop - епископ

Pope - Папа Римский

counter - противостоять

urn - урна, кубок

attest - свидетельствовать, подтверждать

source - источник

era - эра

relics - мощи

donate - дарить, жертвовать

church - церковь

pilgrimage - паломничество

pare down - сокращать

of legendary origin - легендарного происхождения

remove - удалять, устранять




Скачивайте бесплатную электронную книгу '15 Best Love Songs Lyrics' со словами и MP3 популярных песен на английском языке.
1.A time for us 2. Unchained melody 3. You are so beautiful 4.I’ll be always loving you 5.Truly, madly, deeply 6.Wonderful tonight 7.Still loving you 8.I’m a woman in love 9.Can’t take off my eyes 10.Love me tender 11.At last 12. Everybody loves somebody 13.Love song 14.With or without you 15.The power of love

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