Some strawberries, please - at the greengrocery.Англо-русский разговорник

D' you speak English? - Yes, I do!

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Выпуск  15

( 18 June 2009)

Выходит с 6 мая 2008 г.


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В этом выпуске

Тема - Some strawberries, please

Практика -




song "Summer wine"


 Из книги "D'you speak English?-Yes, I do!"




Мобильное приложение






Словарь: Fruit and vegetables


peach – персик

nectarine - нектарин

pear - груша

grape - виноград

apricot - абрикос

plum - слива

grapefruit - грейпфрут

orange - апельсин

lemon - лимон

apple - яблоко

banana - банан

papaya - папайя

pineapple - ананас

melon - дыня

watermelon - арбуз

raisin - изюм

prunes - чернослив

tangerine - мандарин


raspberry – малина

strawberry - клубника

blackberry - ежевика

cranberry - клюква

cherry - вишня

bilberry - черника

gooseberry - крыжовник

currant - смородина

mulberry - шелковица


parsley [pa:slı] – петрушка

thyme [taim] – тимьян, чабрец

garlic чеснок

tarragon [‘tærəgən] – полынь, эстрагон

sage [seidʒ]– шалфей

selery - сельдерей

fennel - укроп, фенхель

mint - мята


cauliflower [`koliflauə] – цветная капуста

spinach [`spinidʒ] – шпинат

courgette [kuə ‘ʒet] – кабачок

zucchini – цукини

aubergine [‘oubədʒi:n] – баклажан

leek – лук-порей

lettuce [‘letis] – салат

shallot [∫æ’lot] – лук-шалот

turnip [‘tε:nip] – репа

asparagus [əs ‘pæragəs]– спаржа

beetroot – свекла

carrot - морковь

potato - картофель

tomato - помидор

pepper - перец

peas - горох


cinnamon [‘sinəmən] – корица

cinger [‘dʒindʒə] – имбирь

nutmeg – мускатный орех

] Вопрос    >>>    Ответ   [

Where can I buy some fruit and vegetables? Где я могу купить немного фруктов и овощей?

You can get fresh fruit and vegetables at the greengrocery. Вы можете приобрести свежие фрукты и овощи в овощном магазине.

Can I help you? Я могу помочь вам?

Yes, some strawberries and a kilo of oranges, please. Да, немного клубники и килограмм апельсинов, пожалуйста.

Are these apples imported or local? Эти яблоки привезены из-за границы или местные?

We only offer local production. Мы предлагаем только местную продукцию.

How much are the blackberries? Сколько стоит ежевика?

2.5 dollar a pint. 2.5 доллара за пинту (полкило).

Would you also like to buy the lettuce? Вы бы не хотели также купить зеленый салат?

Well, it looks quite fresh and green but there are a few wilted and bruised areas. Да, он выглядит вполне свежим и зеленым, но есть несколько завядших и поломанных листьев.

What are you looking for? Что вы ищете?

Firm, round, smooth, deep red-coloured beets and bright, shiny green, firm and well-shaped cucumbers. Твердую, круглую, гладкую, темно-красную свеклу и яркие, блестящие, зеленые, твердые огурцы правильной формы.

I'd like to order fruit and vegetables for a party. What can you offer? Я бы хотела заказать фрукты и овощи для вечеринки. Что вы можете предложить?

We can bring you a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit of the very best quality. Мы можем привезти большой выбор свежих овощей и фруктов самого высокого качества.

Where d'you usually buy fruit and vegetables, supermarket or small store? Где вы обычно покупаете фрукты и овощи, в супермаркете или небольшом магазине?

I always buy fresh, frozen or dried fruit and vegetables at the local greengrocer's. Я всегда покупаю свежие, замороженные или сушеные фрукты и овощи в местном овощном магазине.

What will you buy for a vegetable salad? Что вы купите для овощного салата?

Some cucumbers, tomatoes, an onion, a little parsley or fennel. Несколько огурцов, помидоры, луковицу, немного петрушки или укропа.

D'you like fruit? Вы любите фрукты?

Yes, they're so tasty and even more, they're vital for a healthy diet. Да, они такие вкусные и даже больше, они необходимы для здорового питания.

Which fruit d'you like most? Какие фрукты вы любите больше всего?

I love peaches, nectarines, tangerines and strawberries. Я обожаю персики, нектарины, мандарины и клубнику.

How much fruit d'you eat every day? Как много фруктов вы обычно съедаете каждый день?

A lot of fruit but not so many vegs. Много фруктов, но не так много овощей.

How often d'you eat fruit and vegetables? Как часто вы едите фрукты и овощи?

4 or 5 times a day. 4 или 5 раз в день.

How can we ensure an intake of 5 portions every day? Как мы можем обеспечить прием 5 порций каждый день?

It can be a glass of fresh juice for breakfast,  a small pack of dried apricots as a second breakfast, a salad with lunch, a portion of peas and broccoli with main dish, some berries as dessert. Это может быть стакан свежего сока на завтрак, маленькая порция кураги на второй завтрак, салат на обед, порция горошка и брокколи к главному блюду, немного ягод на десерт.

D'you happen to know how many units of vitamin A are there in a cup of carrot? Вы случайно не знаете, сколько единиц витамина А содержится в тарелке моркови?

As far as I remember the Encyclopedia of Food Values, about 30,000. Насколько я помню из Энциклопедии пищевой ценности, около 30 000.

How d'you usually select fresh fruit and vegetables? Как вы обычно выбираете свежие фрукты и овощи?

It's better to choose fruit and vegetables at the peak of their season freshness. Лучше выбирать фрукты и овощи на пике их сезонной свежести.



Exercise 1

  1. Name a fruit that starts with "A." It is white on the inside and can be red, yellow, or green on the outside.

  2. Name a long, thin fruit that starts with "B." It is yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

  3. Name a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows underground. It starts with a "C."

  4. Name a vegetable that is green on the outside and white on the inside. It starts with "C."

  5. Name a sweet fruit that grows in bunches on vines. It starts with "G."

  6. Name a sour, yellow fruit that starts with "L."

  7. Name a green, leafy vegetable that tastes good in salads. It starts with an "L."

  8. Name three sweet fruits that start with the letter "P" and grow on trees.

  9. Name a tiny, round green vegetable that grows in pods. It starts with "P."

  10. Name a vegetable that is brown on the outside and white on the inside. It grows underground and starts with the letter "P."

  11. Name an orange vegetable that can be made into pie. It starts with "P."

  12. What do you get when you dry a grape? It starts with "R."

  13. Name a sweet, red fruit that starts with "S."

  14. Name a soft, red fruit that starts with "T." It is not sweet.



Exercise 2

What will you buy for your favourite season fruit salad? Make a shopping list.



"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do."

P.J. O'Rourke, The Bachelor Home Companion - 1987



"Oh green and glorious! Oh herbaceous treat!
T'would tempt the the dying anchorite to eat;
Back to the world he'd turn his fleeting soul,
And plunge his fingers in the salad bowl!
Serenely full, the epicure would say,
'Fate cannot harm me, I have dined today.'"

Sydney Smith, 1771-1845

Song "Summer wine"

Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled too
A song that I had only sang to just a few
She saw my silver spurs and said let pass some time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oohh-oh summer wine
Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oohh-oh summer wine
My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feet
She reassured me with an unfamilliar line
And then she gave to me more summer wine

Oohh-oh summer wine
Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oohh-oh summer wine
When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size
She took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime
And left me cravin' for more summer wine
Oohh-oh summer wine
Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off those silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you my summer wine
Oohh-oh summer wïne

Key to Exercise 1

1 - apple, 2 - banana, 3 - carrot, 4 - cucumber, 5 - grapes, 6 - lemon, 7 - lettuce, 8 - peach, pear, plum,  9 -  peas, 10 - potato, 11 - pumpkin, 12 - raisin, 13 - strawberry, 14 - tomato


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