Регистрация бизнеса в Великобритании-Register a Business in the UK.Английский для бизнеса

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Регистрация бизнеса в Великобритании


Выпуск 43 - Register a business in the UK

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Регистрация компании в Великобритании

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Тема: How to register a business in the UK

Акция: Бонус за ссылку

Бесплатное скачивание: Электронный словарь и переводчик. Электронный редактор



 Тема: Important Steps to Register a Business in UK

It is becoming a popular and paying strategy to register a business in UK. Even those businesses that are set up elsewhere want to register a business in UK. The reasons for this enthusiasm are clear. Registering and setting up a business in the UK is a fairly straightforward procedure. It is easy, quick and profitable. There are tax benefits to be thought of besides the highly streamlined process that is available for incorporating a business in UK.


Fortunately, registering a business in the UK follows well established guidelines. So, there is no need for any confusion.


The first step is to have a physical address in the UK. This is not a problem for native residents. However, foreign companies may require a temporary office address before they can set up their actual office. In this case, the company can pay a small amount to a solicitor and use their address temporarily. An address in England, Wales or Scotland would do. Mind you, all official communication must carry this address. Also, copies of official documents have to be kept at this address.


Equally important is the decision regarding the business structure. There are a number of structures to choose from. Most small businesses prefer to become sole proprietorships because this is the quickest and the least complicated route. However, in case the business is big enough, it might be better to consider a partnership or a Limited Liability Company.


The last thing to do before you register a business in UK is choose the name of your company or business. The name has to be unique and there should be no copyright violations. Legally, that is all there is to choosing the name of your business. But, remember that you have to live with the name you choose for a long, long time. So, apply some thought and choose wisely.


After this, you can fill out forms 10 and 12. Form 12 requires the presence of a solicitor, notary and justice of peace or a commissioner of oaths before it can be signed. The Memorandum of Association lists the address and name of the company along with the company's assets and liabilities. The Articles of Incorporation (as the name suggests) deals with the structure of the company and lays down the company's policies regarding voting and other activities that govern the operation of the business. Understandably, this form will be signed by shareholders too.


These forms must be duly filled and signed and submitted to the Companies House for assessment. You can then open a bank account in the name of your company/business.


Once the formalities are over, you will have to start with insurance policies and payment of tax etc. Keep all documents safely because a new legislation introduced in April 2009 imposes penalties if records and tax returns are not maintained properly.

Are you seeking a solution to register a business name? For more information on this please visit http://www.A1companies.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melville_Jackson



How to Register a Public Limited Company

By Quentin Coleman, eHow Contributor

updated: September 4, 2010

A public limited company (PLC) is a type of business entity created under English law in England and Ireland. The PLC is similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in the United States, but it can offer its shares to the public on an appropriate stock exchange. Many new PLCs are created through entity formation companies. To create a PLC yourself, you must submit the appropriate documents to England's Companies House.


1. Download or request a physical copy of form IN01, the "Application to register a company." This 18-page document contains all the necessary forms and instruction to register a new PLC. The Companies House website provides the latest version of the document in PDF format for download. Contact a local branch of the office by phone or mail to request a hard copy.

2. Name your PLC and check the name's availability through Companies House search tool (see Resources). The name of your PLC must be available and contain either "public limited company" or its abbreviation "PLC."

3. Enter basic information regarding your PLC on page 1 and 2 of form IN01. List the company's proposed name and its registered UK address. Check the box for the "Public Limited by Shares" option in section A4 to elect the PLC classification.

4. Describe your PLC's proposed articles of association. The articles describe the governance and intentions for the corporation. They also define the distribution of power, authority and responsibility among the board of directors and owners (subscribers). You also may elect to be governed under a generic articles of association drafted by the Companies House.

5. List the names and addresses of the PLC's future secretary and directors. Complete the form by filling out the "Proposed Officers" and "Statement of Capital" sections. You must list the type and amount of shares in and subscribers to your PLC.

6. Draft a Memorandum of Association to accompany your filing. The memorandum must contain the signature of every subscriber of the PLC, authorizing its formation.

7. Submit the completed form IN01, articles of association (if custom) and memorandum along with the appropriate fees to the Companies House. The Companies House charges £20 for the submission of these documents. Processing can be expedited at additional cost.


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 Акция: Бонус за ссылку

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 Видеоуроки английского языка: Customer Service English

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 Тест: Онлайн тест по английским предлогам

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 Бесплатно скачать: Компьютерный словарь и переводчик "Babylon"

На сайте www.english-2days.narod.ru есть ссылка на бесплатное скачивание самого популярного в мире электронного словаря, которым уже пользуются более 60 000 000 человек. Функции Babylon: простота установки и использования, перевод на 75 языков, полный перевод веб-страниц, полный перевод документов (Word, PDF, Text), легкая интеграция с Майкрософт Офис, ведущие словари (Британника, Оксфорд, Википедия и др.). Русскоязычная версия.


 Бесплатно скачать: Компьютерный редактор английского языка

Также на сайте www.english-2days.narod.ru можно найти ссылку на бесплатное скачивание лингвистического программного продукта для проверки английской грамматики и правописания. Комплексная версия с профессиональными шаблонами.


Блог: По 20 активных слов и вокабуляра TOEFL каждую неделю

Если вы хотите получать каждую неделю по 20 самых активных английских слов и 20 слов из лексического минимума международного экзамена TOEFL, подписывайтесь на мой блог "1000 английских слов на каждый день".  http://top1000s.blogspot.com/


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