Procurement system - система закупок (2).Английский для бизнеса

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Procurement system - система закупок (2)


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Business English - Procurement

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В этом выпуске:

Приглашение: Бизнес английский в Академии делового туризма!

Тема: Procurement - Закупки (часть 2)

Блог: 40 озвученных слов каждую неделю




 Приглашение: Бизнес английский  в Академии делового туризма!

Академия делового туризма приглашает Вас на курс делового английского языка!

Вашему вниманию представляется действительно эффективная программа обучения, сочетающая теоретический и практический материал (в программу также  включен  принцип перевода   деловой документации), направленная на приобретение слушателями тех языковых знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для правильного видения и владения деловой сферой с точки зрения структуры и организации мысли, обусловленной особенностями английского языка. Данный курс позволит Вам быть компетентными, знающими и грамотными в устном или же письменном взаимодействии, требующем владения англоязычной речью (общение или переписка, работа с документами).

Курс представляет собой 60 академических часов, по прошествии которого Вы получаете сертификат об окончании курса делового английского языка. Обучение будет проходить в нашей академии и рассчитано на 2 вечерних занятия в неделю по 3 академических часа. Ждем вас!

CTA is welcoming you to Business English Course!

We are happy to introduce to your attention a really effective studying program consisting of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for you to acquire. The studying program also involves essential view on document interpreting to make a better understanding of Business English language structure. The course allows you to gain the necessary experience to be competent and well-qualified in Business English speaking and writing.

The course involves 60 academic hours of studying, after which you are sure to be certified.  The evening group lessons will take 3 academic hours twice a week and will be held at our academy. Welcome to the studies!


 Тема: Procurement - Закупки (часть 2)

Procurement systems

Another common procurement issue is the timing of purchases. Just-in-time is a system of timing the purchases of consumables so as to keep inventory costs low. Just-in-time is commonly used by Japanese companies but widely adopted by many global manufacturers from the 1990s onwards. Typically a framework agreement setting terms and price is created between a supplier and purchaser, and specific orders are then called-off as required.


Shared services

In order to achieve greater economies of scale, an organization’s procurement functions may be joined into shared services. This combines several small procurement agents into one centralized procurement system.


Procurement process

Procurement may also involve a bidding process i.e, Tendering. A company may want to purchase a given product or service. In the European Union there are strict rules on procurement processes that must be followed by public bodies, with contract value thresholds dictating what processes should be observed (relating to advertising the contract, the actual process etc).

just-in-time - своевременность

economies of scale - экономия, обусловленная ростом масштаба производства

shared services - совместное обслуживание

bidding - торги, предложение цены

thresholds - нижняя граница



Procurement steps

Procurement life cycle in modern businesses usually consists of seven steps:

  1. Information gathering: If the potential customer does not already have an established relationship with sales/ marketing functions of suppliers of needed products and services (P/S), it is necessary to search for suppliers who can satisfy the requirements.

  2. Supplier contact: When one or more suitable suppliers have been identified, requests for quotationrequests for proposalsrequests for information or requests for tender may be advertised, or direct contact may be made with the suppliers.

  3. Background review: References for product/service quality are consulted, and any requirements for follow-up services including installation, maintenance, and warranty are investigated. Samples of the P/S being considered may be examined, or trials undertaken.

  4. NegotiationNegotiations are undertaken, and price, availability, and customization possibilities are established. Delivery schedules are negotiated, and a contract to acquire the P/S is completed.

  5. Fulfillment: Supplier preparation, expediting, shipment, delivery, and payment for the P/S are completed, based on contract terms. Installation and training may also be included.

  6. Consumption, maintenance, and disposal: During this phase, the company evaluates the performance of the P/S and any accompanying service support, as they are consumed.

  7. Renewal: When the P/S has been consumed and/or disposed of, the contract expires, or the product or service is to be re-ordered, company experience with the P/S is reviewed. If the P/S is to be re-ordered, the company determines whether to consider other suppliers or to continue with the same supplier.

request for quotation - объявление о цене

request for proposals - объявление о принятии предложения на выполнение заказа

request for tender - объявление о тендере

negotiations - переговоры

expediting - выполнение заказа

shipment - отгрузка, отправка

disposal - реализация


Блог: По 20 активных слов и вокабуляра TOEFL каждую неделю

Если вы хотите получать каждую неделю по 20 самых активных английских слов и 20 слов из лексического минимума международного экзамена TOEFL, подписывайтесь на мой блог "1000 английских слов на каждый день".                                                                                

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